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4 Things to do When Your Signal Drops

With mobile technology taking over the world, there are more than one billion mobile phones in use. It’s no surprise that the usage will be expected to double in the coming years. As such we rely on mobile phones these days for everything such as staying connected with the family, friends and the world. It can become frustrating to deal with weak signals leading to call drops.

According to the experts, more than 70% of people use cell phones at home or office (indoors) and the majority of people have experienced call drops now and then. It can occur frequently as well. Today, in this blog post, we intend to share easy tips on all the things you can do to ensure seamless connectivity. You might be aware of some and maybe already tried these things, but we’re sure you will learn something new. Let’s get started!

Restart your mobile phone: This is pretty simple and kind of no-brainer. You need to restart your phone. If this doesn’t work, you can try keeping it in airplane mode for a minute before switching it back to the normal mode. This should clear minor and solvable technical glitches.

From 4G to 3G: We know this can be frustrating but it might work in the need of the hour. While the whole country is booming with 4G, there is a possibility that your area isn’t covered under 4G. This can be disheartening to know but it’s the truth. If you continue to experience poor network issues then this might be one of the reasons. In such a case, switch it to 3G and check if it’s working decently or not.

Change your service provider: Yes, you have read it right! This is another reason that you might be facing frequent call drops, weak signal and at times no signal at all. In this scenario, talk to your neighbors and see if they use different network providers—the one that provides seamless connectivity all the time.

Mobile Signal booster: If you’re dealing with frequent call drops/weak signal/no signal at all. Then you can install a mobile booster. It works against all the odds. This may be something new for you but mobile phones and signal issues go hand in hand. Therefore, companies have come up with a mobile booster to our rescue. These not only ensure hassle-free communication but also strengthens mobile data.

In India, metropolitan cities are densely populated and there has been a significant increase in using mobile phones which are expected to grow as mentioned above. Getting a 4G signal booster for home is not that difficult and it will eradicate all the issues. There are various brands available in the market and Seguro is one of them. The common features of this brand’s mobile boosters are better data connectivity, improved voice clarity, compatible with all the major service providers.

You can get this reputed brand from AVA System with just a click! We hope you found this piece informative and well-worth your time.

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